
Use of AI on testing

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is increasingly being used in software testing to improve efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness. Here are several ways AI is applied in testing: Test Automation: Script Generation: AI can generate test scripts automatically by analyzing application interfaces, requirements, and user behaviors. Tools like and Functionize use machine learning to create and maintain test scripts. Self-healing Tests: AI-driven test automation tools can automatically update test scripts to adapt to changes in the application, reducing maintenance efforts.

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January 26, 2024

Top 5 issues with web services

Top 5 issues with web services that might arise during development, deployment, or usage lately: Connectivity Problems: Difficulty in establishing a connection between the client and the web service due to network issues, firewall restrictions, or incorrect endpoint URLs. Authentication and Authorization: Issues with authentication mechanisms or incorrect authorization credentials, leading to access denied errors. Service Unavailability: The web service might be down or experiencing downtime, leading to service unavailable errors.

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January 4, 2024

Fail over testing

The forgotten “Fail over tests”: Does your organization have a test plan in place? For example, What if one application server is down? Does the load balancer react properly? The resulting system keeps able to handle the load? The restart is fully automated or need manually intervention? Does the communication of the incident reach on time to the correct people? Fail over testing assesses the system’s capacity to sustain regular operations while transitioning the processing function to a backup system.

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December 28, 2023

ROI of Quality management

Calculating the exact ROI of quality management can be challenging because it involves both tangible and intangible factors. To measure ROI, businesses typically compare the costs of implementing quality management initiatives against the benefits accumulated over time. Some metrics used to assess quality management ROI include: Cost of Quality (COQ): This includes costs related to prevention, appraisal, internal failure, and external failure. Reducing COQ through quality management practices contributes directly to ROI.

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December 22, 2023

Key elements of Quality management

Quality management refers to the systematic processes, standards, and methodologies implemented within an organization to ensure that its products, services, and processes meet or exceed customer expectations. There are several key elements or rows in quality management: Quality Planning: This involves establishing quality objectives and determining the processes required to deliver a product or service that meets customer requirements. Quality Control: This is the process of ensuring that the products or services meet established quality standards.

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December 18, 2023